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Cornu P Stéréoloscope
France Version française
Photos by - text by -. From the collection of -. Last update 2024-07-02 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in France from (Circa) 1901 to (After) 1901.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 2193

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Cornu P 

Traduction de Manuel M

The Stéréoloscope is a camera built with the format 45 x 107, which was adopted among a certain number of stereoscopic cameras essentially portable
It differs of its congenerics especially from the point of view of shape, volume and weight.
Its shape is that of a folding camera with two tensioners ensuring a perfect rigidity of the small plank lens-holder. It uses simple chassis receiving some plates of variable thickness; it is provided with glass ground for the focusing.
Its volume (6 x 3.5 x 13 centimeters.) and its weight (550 gr.) makes some most reduced and lightest of the camera of this kind.
We will mention for memory the main improvements which still  point at it for attention to the most demanding amateurs:
The off-centring of the lens (in the model with anastigmat)
The optional focusing either direct, or by means of a graduation up to 50 centimeters of the subject;
The ability to adjust the shutter for the pose or the instantaneous with variable speeds;
The change of aperture of the lenses for three distinct diaphragms;
The use of an automatic controller, preventing any error;
The tapping with the threading of the Congress for the adaptation with an ordinary foot,
etc, etc

As well, we will say only one word of manufacture to the point of view of finished execution; it is absolutely satisfying, and testifies of the care taken by the manufacturer to the raw materials implementation of choice by a staff, experienced by means of tools of a rare perfection.

The price of the Stéréoloscope is fixed] as follows: The camera with six chassis aluminium, in a case in morocco with clasp, with aplanatic lenses Balbreck. 225 fr.
- - anastigmats Zeiss 425 fr

Cornu P Stéréoloscope

Cameras from Ebay France (Cornu P) (Uploaded each 3 hours)